Wednesday, June 22, 2022

In memoriam Chris Fowler

 Today's post is not about work I do in the library. It is to celebrate the memory of Chris Fowler. She was one of the best subject librarians I know, Arts subject librarian at Brookes University, and I would, from time to time, have a look at her pages. She would always encourage her students to this and that exhibition. I would also at times see her in Jericho, about to go to the Phoenix Cinema there to see an art film.

She was my first librarian mentor, encouraging me to go to library school, and like her, I choose London Metropolitan to study for an MA. Like her, I was a library assistant at Brookes, and was working while studying. Well I suppose we all do it to a certain extend, but it is always so great to have someone giving you that example. It really helps.

She was always passionate about her profession and I very much hope I continue to be so.

It is quite a shock she's gone so soon.

Anyway, enough of me blabbering, here is her Tribute page so that you can donate and get information about the ceremony.

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